Zeipa’s image in the story “Our Family” written by Momysh-uly


Orynhanova G.A.

The teacher of Russian language faculty "The languages​​"

of the Academy of Transport and Communication named M.Tynyshpaeva Kazakhstan 


Zeipa’s image in the story “Our Family” written by Momysh-uly

         Kazakh writers have sought to identify the female images in the best traits characteristic of our people by portraying a woman’s inner world and the complex emotions of the female soul.

         A great master in the creation of female characters, a connoisseur of the female soul and heart was Bauyrzhan Momysh-uly. Portraying a woman, a writer follows the best traditions of world literature. An interesting and important for a writer is the hero's inner world, the dynamics of her soul. n the use of psychology B.Momysh-uly avoids detailed analysis of the mental states of characters. The characters are revealed only in the outer playing their behavior, which confirms the statement of solidarity with the writer VG Belinsky that "the world is man's inner life, hidden from us all the action as a result, expressed on the outside of the face, in his eyes, his voice, even manner of man "[1].

         The use of new features of psychological analysis is observed in the autobiographical novel B.Momysh-uly "Our Family". In this respect, despite the short duration of action in the story, of particular interest is the image of Zeipa, full of tragedy and beauty. Zeipa’s image reflected best traits of the Kazakh people which are emotional generosity, commitment to truth and freedom, the willingness to struggle and protest. Zeipa is an exceptional woman, poetically dreamy nature. Once in the atmosphere of hypocrisy and bigotry she married a man she did not love, she is deeply affected.

         Portrait of a girl changes throughout the story depending on what changes are taking place in the soul of the hero herself. You could even say that the portrait is involved in constructing the story. Character’s behavior changing with her portrait, it is not static, constantly; throughout the whole work the story is very dynamic. The author finds the right words, the right colors to show the change.

         The appearance of a girl is given as soon as she enters into action of the story, "Zeipa was slim, tall, with a proud carriage," [2,19]. Further, the author focuses the portrait, which is atypical for the exterior of Asian women: "Her long face with a straight nose, reminiscent of Armenian women face: passionate, fiery eyes, straight long eyelashes, big, but beautiful mouth" [ 2,20]. In the description of her eyes is important for a writer not as a description of external features - shape and color, but the inner spiritual quality of the hero - the fire of the soul. Unusual appearance of Dautbay’s wife and causing Dautbaya stresses in terms of the patriarchal pillars of its non-typical behavior: "She walked confidently, stepping on earth as freely as her mistress, ignoring all others .. . Zijpe boldly violated the established etiquette of aul: it is not inclined either to Aydin, nor to her husband's elder brothers, or in front of their wives. In her eyes, voice and behavior have always felt contempt for her husband and his relatives. Attempts to Aydin and her offspring proud to bring a woman into submission failed ... strong-willed and independent Zijpe a withering glance made them silent black ... she was not engaged in work, behaved like an aristocrat ... "[2,22].

         After a year or two "from the female prowess and independence in its nature there is no a trace remains." The resistance of the old laws of the Kazakh steppe as it left its mark on the appearance of the girl: "She does not seem to take care of herself, she is down. The former white hat it darkened, her movements were no longer graceful, and her eyes did not look so defiant and proud, they faded ... "[2, 56].

The author seeks to reveal the internal state of the hero of through the external features of the portrait. And kimeshek (Kazakh traditional clothing) is not only an important addition to the psychological characteristics of women, but also reveals the negative aspects of patriarchy, shows the evolution of women who rebelled against the philistine world with its laws possessiveness, violence against the person free. Little Baurzhan sees Zeipa’s eyes in the brightest colors, "I remember her ... in the snow-white kimeshek and extraordinarily beautiful tied kundik zhaulyke- (Kazakh traditional clothing)' [ 2,58]. After a while, the boy observes that "the former white hat her face darkened." At the end of the story the soldier did not immediately recognize a woman with "a sloppy lowered handkerchief". Thus the feudal custom of dowry and the dark force is tamed this obstinate woman, killed her proud human soul. She was submissive to her fate. The writer emphasizes her humble; he repeats the definition of "humble” several times in the story. In a constantly changing appearance manifested by the character also holds the idea of ​​the movement of time, of life itself. His story is also a portrait of this meaning. It is no coincidence favored his reception in the sketches to show the changes that have taken place in the hero. Let's try to draw a scheme of the above:

First year of her marriage

After two years

In 1944

slim, tall, with a proud carriage




Her eyes weren’t bright and looking proud anymore, they became darker


She was in snow white clothes and in an amazingly beautiful Kazakh traditional clothing

Once being white her hat became darker

In a carelessly lowered  handkerchief

With a white pearl teeth


Toothless mouth burst

Strong-willed and independent

female prowess and independence is gone


She walked confidently, stepping on earth as freely as her mistress, ignoring all others

In her movements there was no grace



So the hero’s of the story is shown in the constantly changing aspect of the psychological process.

Thus, the portrait in the novel is a means of creating an image of the hero, after the appearance of sending her inner world, the soul, revealing her identity, the essence. Portrait expresses how author treats the hero, helps to express his feelings and attitudes, in addition, female portrait in prose B.Momysh-uly also reflects the peculiarities of his individual literary style, which is characterized by inconsistency and beauty of everyday life, love and life. Portrait also helps to convey the emotional and sensory perception of the heroine main character. It also takes part in the composition structure of the story, Momysh-uli as a master of subtle psychological portrait is accurate colors, tones and semitones, right eye for details of the exterior of the heroine, so it helped him most in creating the image. Color helps to reveal the epithet and the psychology of the hero and her state of mind.

         Psychological analysis of prose B.Momysh-uly helped change the structure and content of the work. Due to the increasing focus on feelings, experiences, and other conditions of mental life, the story is weakened by event-basis. But it is - a topic for another study. "Every solution to a problem is a new problem," - said Goethe. Therefore, the researchers of creative son of the Kazakh people a wonderful writer facing new, more complex problems.



1. Belinsky V.G. On the Russian novels and novellas, the Gogol. - M., 1989 - 200p.

2. Momysh-uly B. Our family. - A., 1972. - 156 p.