Features of Development of Intellectual Emotions in Ontogenesis


Pedagogical psychology

Epanchintseva G.A., Nalitova A.S

Doctor of psychological Sciences, post-graduate student

Orenburg State University 



Features of Development of Intellectual Emotions in Ontogenesis

The attempt to set correlations intellect and emotions undertook for many centuries in philosophy, pedagogics and psychology. Numerous studies of this phenomenon have formed  the concepts of  the intellectual emotions. . Later lots of foreign and Russian scientists figured out that the real mental process was unity of inellectual and emotional processes [1, p. 264] Nevertheless only phenomenology of this phenomena is presented in psychology. In other words peculiarities of manifestation, the role of correlation between emotion and intellect is not offered nowadays.

It should be noted the ambiguity of interpretation of how the conceptual apparatus and the inconsistency in the explanation of the development of intellectual emotions in ontogenesis. Therefore, the main goal of our studies is to give the presentation about the peculiarities of the acquisition of intellectual emotions and formation of knowledge about this process.

The ontogeny intellectual emotions may understand only in the context of the study of the Genesis of the emotional sphere of the child in general. А.V.Zaporozhts shows the unproductiveness of studying the genesis of emotions in isolation from the general process of meaningful activity of the child. [2, p. 87] Experimentally-genetic researches have allowed to establish a substantial change in the emotional sphere in the transition from early to pre-school childhood. Firstly, there are special forms of empathy actions and feelings of another person. Secondly, there are changing functional position of the emotions in the structure of behavior. Other words appear ahead of the emotional experience of anticipating actions. In the third, the emergence of emotional anticipation is necessary to change the very structure of the reactions of various kinds of cognitive processes. [2, p. 123]

 The presence of cognitive components in the structure of emotional processes leads to the formation of synthetic emotionally-Gnostic complexes.              [2, p. 146]According to the Ya. Z. Neverovich, these kind of emotional patterns are beginning to emerge in the senior pre-school age. [2, p.96]One can assume that by the same time is the beginning of the formation of specific cognitive intellectual emotions, implementing regulation of the thinking process itself. The basis for such an assumption can serve some facts. At first the fact that age is characterized by a sufficient form of intellect. And secondly, time formed the mechanism of emotional anticipation. [2, p.103] The last is especially important since the intellectual emotions are clearly expressed anticipating character. Though the anticipation is not associated with the results of the external action but also associated to the results of internal mental action. Therefore the formation of intellectual emotions supposes the availability of fairly well-developed mechanism of emotional anticipation. [4, p. 23] O.K Tikhomirov supplemented research Ya. Z. Neverovich the phenomenon of the “emotional decisions”, which is connected with the advent of much of the subjective sense of “a solution is found”. [5, p.233] It is important to emphasize that this feeling arises, when the idea is still not completely understood and word of mouth is not formalized. This phenomenon, called the emotional detection of problems is one of the mechanisms of self-development thinking as the transition of thinking in the status of the independent activity. O.K Tikhomirov did not only prove the connection of passion and intellect, but also considered mechanisms of development of intellectual emotions in ontogenesis.         [5, p. 196] The researcher suggested that generated numerous conditional reflexes are the results of absolute orienting reflex “what's this?” [5, p. 134] This leads to the experience of intellectual emotions – surprise. Precondition emotion of surprise is the acquisition of the children of a certain experience, gives the opportunity to compare the new with the accumulated information. There is relationship between emotion of surprise with curiosity and a sense of curiosity. It is impossible not specify the emotion of surprise is a derivative of the leading emotional entities, directly associated with cognitive needs of the subject. The value of the emotion of surprise in the structure of the mental activity is determined by the kind of the leading emotional education. So when curiosity quest for knowledge is an end in itself, i.e. the subject wants to know, to know. [5, p. 198] The satisfaction of curiosity leads to the extinction of desire to further the knowledge and in general the emotion of surprise. If curiosity is developing in the sense of curiosity, the latter becomes the basis of mental activity. A  sense of curiosity is purposefully unlike curiosity. The surprise in this case is as the experience of problem which encourages the subject to a statement of the purpose. Escalation of curiosity in the sense of curiosity is a complex and lengthy process. It is not completed in the preschool age. The appearance of sense of curiosity does not mean the elimination of a child's curiosity. [3, p. 49]

         Emotion of surprise in the child is a practical in the pre-school period. Other words it is caused by the appearance of this subject of the situation. Active intellectual emotions connected with detailed actions to address some of the practical tasks. They serve as an effective reinforcement actions. Preschooler passes from the visually-active thinking to the figurative and verbal. Practical analysis and synthesis is replaced at this stage of the mental, verbal. With the domination of thinking of action with the images, notions and concepts associated with the occurrence of intellectual emotions. The changing nature of thinking leads to corresponding modifications of intellectual emotions. [3, p. 65]

The further restructuring of the nature of mental activity is connected with junior school age. Junior schoolboy purchases new equipment of thinking that has an impact on the development of intellectual emotions. The improvement of these emotions occurs only in the case, if satisfied feeling of curiosity, cognitive interests of schoolchildren. For formation of the same sense of curiosity are of great importance emotions of success, arising in the case of a decision mental problem. [5, p. 189]

The development of intellectual emotions are connected with the further improvement of human thinking is progressing. The object of thinking becomes more diverse and more complex becomes and, the operation of thinking is more perfect that the more intensively experienced the process of thought and of its result to the. The mental activities is not “cleared” from the experience in the course of ontogenesis of the person, but on the contrary, helps to their progress. Intellectual emotions are different in its depth, power, according to the nature of the impact of the thought process. Number of modifications of these emotions increases in the course of ontogenesis. The maturity of intellectual emotions does not make them rigid. And, these emotions are generated in the dynamic of the thinking process in its developed form. Development and enrichment of the sphere of intellectual emotions continues, thus, throughout the history of the personal life.

It should be noted look I. A. Vasilev on the development of intellectual emotions – “surprise”, which in ontogenesis is associated as the start of the development of the follow-up emotions of the order.[7, p. 54] The researcher is associated “surprise” with the formation of a problem and there are three stages of origin and development of this emotion. The first stage development of the intellectual emotions is “perplexity”. It occurs in a relatively low confidence in the correctness of the past experience, when a phenomenon is not consistent with this experience. Contradiction is consciously weak, and the experience of the past is still not sufficiently analyzed. Direction of perplexity is not clearly expressed, and its intensity is not significant.

         The second stage of the development of intellectual emotions are  connected with “abnormal” surprise. It is a consequence of the sharpening of the contradictions, the realization of the incompatibility of the observed phenomenon, the experience of the past. [7, p. 58]

The third stage is wonder. It is then, when the man was absolutely sure in correctness of previous results of the thinking process and predicted results, the opposite occurred. Wonder often occurs as an affect with the relevant expressive gestures and vegetative reactions. [7, p. 63]

         Interesting anthropological point of view was presented by K.D. Ushinskiy. He raises an important question about the fact that the traditional upbringing and education of children. Не said that the adults kill the ability to be surprised, look at the nature of the mature mind and “infantile sense” when the child is at all are given ready-made answers. [6, p.82] He believes that the deepest thinkers and the great poets had fresh baby (direct) and at the same time wise surprise. They often stay in front of such phenomena, which have long since stopped paying attention. Therefore, a talented person always seems different, some child. K.D. Ushinskiy rightly considers such a surprise one of the strongest engines of science. We only need to be surprised, what is still not surprised at the other to make the great discovery. [6, p.146]

         Of course, from the early childhood of the man leads to a new and unknown. This is the basis of knowledge and development of the world. But unfortunately, the generalized and represented theoretical analysis of the literature has shown by that many of the points remain problematic and just controversial, requiring new research. The content analysis of the literature showed new problem and defined the perspective of further development in  theoretical concepts of the intellectual emotions.

In our opinion the problem is in significance of the intellectual emotions, in the activity of the subject. And this problem connects with studying correlation the intellectual emotions, practical and emotional intelligence. Their decision does not only allow revealing the mechanisms which give the mental activities of its unique flexibility and at the same time - the stability (of the mental activities). Besides their decision makes a significant contribution to the development of the general theory of intelligence.


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