The theoretical basis of the problem creating a culture of communication of national groups of students of technical high school


Жардамалиева Ж.Б.

К.п.н, доцент зав.кафедрой «Языки»  Казахской академии транспорта и коммуникации им. М. Тынышпаева (Казахстан)


The theoretical basis of the problem creating a culture of communication of national groups of students of technical high school


Global goal is to be among the 50 most competitive countries as it is said in the Message of the President of the Republic of  Kazakhstan Nursultan  Nazarbayev  "Kazakhstan on the threshold of a new leap forward in its development". However it also requires among other priority development of  bi-and multilingualism of Kazakhstan on the basis of the state language, "we maintain and develop the centuries-old traditions, language and culture of the Kazakh people, ensuring inter-ethnic and cross-cultural agreement, the progress of a united people of Kazakhstan" [1]. This is because the social situation of development of modern society, dramatic changes in the economic and social life of our republic, the transformation of the system of education are determined the onset of XXI century as the century of culture and education. In this regard, the assertion of human values ​​in education highlights the value of the personality, the richness of the spiritual world. A special place in the structure of human culture has always been and will occupy the communication culture.

In many areas of science, considered creating a culture of communication: in philosophy (A.B. Dobrovich, A. Nysanbaev)  [ 2,3], psychology (A.A. Leontiev) [4], studied general issues of a culture of communication (A.B. Mudrik) [5]. Particularly we are interested in studying the problems of ethics and tolerance (NN Podobed) [6].

An important contribution to the problem of creating a culture of professional and pedagogical communication teachers in the pedagogical process, the university has made ND Hops, which believes that communication lies in the intrinsic characteristics of society as a whole, and each person, as part of the company is communicating people. Consequently, the development of each individual depends on the development of all other individuals with whom he communicates [7]. On the other hand, the essence of the culture of communication is that it creates space for new spiritual values ​​and ideological orientations, enhances various forms of human cooperation, involving human freedom and responsibility, the recognition of its intrinsic value.

Researchers of communication culture (K.A.-Abulkhanova Slavskaya, etc.), reveal its theoretical foundations believing that this important place should be allocated   human relations between people, directly regulated by social norms, especially legal and moral, which constitute the essential elements of cultural communication. They bring together worked out in the community rules applicable to communication, most of his practice, which should not only indicate that significant in terms of socially accepted values, and to assume their compulsory execution, set the level of what is permitted. Violation of these norms is unacceptable not only in terms of morality, but also in terms of conduct / 8 /.
Therefore, speaking about the culture of communication in the broadest sense, it is necessary to include in its rules and ways of their realization in human relations. But there is a more narrow sense in understanding the culture of communication, in which case they are determined by the degree of ownership of human communication skills, developed and adopted in a particular society.

Specialists disclosing the nature and content of the concept of "communication culture" represent it as a way of specific human activities, including certain mechanisms (and, accordingly, "skills" to update), whereby it is possible to stimulate, to program, coordinate and implement activities of people in society (E.S. Markarian) [ 9]. According to M.S. Kagan, understanding the culture of communication involves specific human behaviors according to social norms that ensure the flow of the communication process between people. At the same time, scientists believe that communication in most cases is not an end in itself but a means to address other non-communicative problems. Therefore, culture plays in communication and collective group of people communicative role. Hence, the content and form of cultural communication are caused by the particular activity in which it is included [10].

Towards a culture of communication are virtually all modes of behavior through which the communication: words, organized in question and its dynamic characteristics, intonation, gestures, facial expressions, pantomime, etc. - That is all that enables interpersonal understanding and interaction between people.
Analyzing the above point of view of scientists on the problem of creating a culture of communication, we have attempted to identify four main aspects of the interaction.

The first aspect can be called the educational aspect, when the researchers considered the organization of interaction between people in society and in this case the comparison is carried out regulations governing the culture of communication at different stages of the educational process in the dialogue.

The second aspect of research - sociological, in which the disclosed specific interpersonal skills of people belonging to a particular social group, described by the communication means of identifying individuals with a particular social group, and realized this or that social relations.

Finally, attention to the person as a direct party to the communication process is characteristic of the psychological - the third aspect of the problem. Studying this aspect of communication culture, experts are turning to its personified form - psychological qualities of man.

The fourth aspect is the technological approach based on mastery of individual variation of techniques and their use in the educational process in order to achieve high effectiveness.

Summarizing the existing psycho-pedagogical concept a culture of communication can be stated that the culture of communication necessarily involves the interaction of its three components: an accurate reflection of the individual properties of the individual and his personality as a whole, which allows constructing an adequate ratio and on this basis, selecting the appropriate means and methods of treatment. This allows us to describe the culture of communication, such as: interpersonal dialogue, moral fellowship of free persons, "live" communication, manifested in the experiences of real people, healthy communication, which serves as a measure of the realization of human potentials, a form of communication, adequate to the particular situation.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the culture of communication - a personal quality, integrated, part of which is not just a communication system, and it is a condition where the transformation takes place in a different quality, another entity based on the design and organization of the dialogue, differentiation, integration knowledge, etc.

As you can see, the culture of communication involves, above all, the interaction of the carriers, and in this aspect become particularly acute problem of interaction between language, thought and culture in a situation of bilingualism and multilingualism as a means of intercultural communication.

Against this background, consider that before the higher education system in Kazakhstan, today delivered a fundamentally new challenges, the most important mission of which is to educate competent, tolerant, creative professionals working future, absorbed the richness of the cultural heritage of the past of his people and the peoples of other countries aspiring to an understanding with they are able and ready to interpersonal and intercultural communication.

Now consider the problem in this perspective, culture of communication of national groups of students of technical high school is a very urgent task of higher education. An inter-ethnic relation in a multi-ethnic state in which is the Republic of Kazakhstan is a significant factor in the development of stable democratic country.

The problem of creating a culture of communication of national groups of students of technical high school in the broad sense of the word stems from the need of learning and future application of human experts, humanistic, ethical values ​​and the realization of direct communication, which not only promotes personal and spiritual development of young people, but as a social enrichment, and professional capacity of the specialist.

We want our students of any university, especially technical start their first-year with building respect for other peoples and cultures and the willingness for cooperation and joint decision of global problems. However, education in the university should not be confined solely to the transfer of knowledge and retraining of people, it is necessary to change students' attitudes toward the surrounding social, cultural and geographical environment, to ensure the availability of future professionals to work in a changing labor market conditions and production, promote the formation of flexible thinking and attitudes on dialogue and cooperation.

An analysis of scientific literature on the problem of the unknown by us showed that any student with an advanced culture of interethnic communication has the following most common personality traits: a manifestation of respect for national dignity of other people, to national cultures, to the progressive national traditions, national traditions, the language of the people on the whose territory he resides, and to their own language.

That is why we consider it necessary when working with students of technical universities of national groups to create a focus on the positive perception of the ideas of a consistent policy of our state, focused on ensuring tolerance, inter-religious and intercultural accord of all nationalities living in our country and representing the united people of Kazakhstan, has received recognition in the entire international community. 

However, it should be noted, important in shaping the culture of communication of national groups of students are different things. Some acts create prerequisites for understanding; suggest comfort to others students, arising out of their interests, some of the individual may eventually lead to discomfort in interpersonal relationships. This is the outer side of the relationship and is considered primarily in terms of people and culture is characterized as a manifestation of a certain level of culture of communication. In real life, all its sides, which were discussed above, the organically blend with each other, complement each other. Separate consideration of their possible only for understanding the content of the concept of cultural communication. Hence, we believe that the culture of communication in the national group of students represents a set of standards, methods, forms of relationships between learners as a kind of communication standards. In this regard, a culture of communication of national groups of students to a greater extent is a measure of moral education. Experience has shown that formed the moral culture, true spirituality is manifested in many ways, it is the culture of communication, and at the same time, the culture of communication does not become a natural extension of the personality, if it is not based on ethical values ​​underlying the vision of the future specialist. 

Thus, the whole culture of communication is a unity of personal and important philosophical systems that have become value-belief and human behavior, consistent with the requirements of both morality and etiquette. At the same time creating a culture of communication of national groups of students is understood as part of the process of moral education, with priority attention is given to behavior and communication skills, but it is important, and their ethical content. In this regard, the necessary components of a future specialist are a constructive dialogue, which is important in the environment of the young generation that is configured to receive higher education. It is especially important directional communication in a culture of technical colleges, as they have enough in our opinion, the possibility of using the humanization of the educational process.

Experience has shown that teachers of the humanities in particular, should strive to teach future professionals, representatives of different socio-cultural groups, to stimulate a desire to learn different cultures, build respect for the ethnic cultures, to teach in various activities (teaching and educational, research, play, work, sports) prevent or overcome conflict creatively. It is necessary to form a system of knowledge, skills and abilities of tolerant behavior, humane, positive-active in its relations with other nations.

It is no accident more in the scientific literature (G.N. Volkov, K.B. Zharikbaev, S.K. Kaliev) is now a special interest in higher education provides ethnic and cultural approach of establishing the continuity of national traditions in education of students. Hence the most important task of educating students of technical universities of national groups in the present conditions is the development of the individual to the spiritual and moral basis, ethical standards in accordance with national traditions and ideals reflecting the dialectics of universal and national relationships in the establishment of tolerance and interethnic relations.

At the same time one of the conditions of a culture of communication of national groups of students of technical high school is the assimilation of human values ​​carried out by specific methods of education inherent in the national-cultural traditions of a people [11,12].

Thus, a culture of communication among ethnic groups of students in the academic and educational work of a technical college should be aimed at rallying the team on the basis of joint communication activities. The effectiveness of a culture of communication of national groups of students must be assessed in terms of shaping their knowledge systems, ways of communication of beliefs and to develop behaviors that lead to a certain degree of knowledge of the mother tongue, systematic mastery of the world heritage and national culture, accumulated over the centuries, a manifestation of respect to different ethnic, national and religious groups, tolerance of dissent and the opinion of others, built on developing a sense of responsibility to future generations to preserve peace and human civilization.


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